

Are you happy with the size, shape, and profile of your nose? Does it make you feel self-conscious? Nearly one in four people are unhappy with at least one aspect of their nose. Are you one of them?

Unhappiness with your nose can trigger feelings of inferiority, embarrassment, or low self-esteem. It can keep you from feeling confident and impair social and professional functioning.

Perhaps the shape of your nose is unappealing to you because it is too broad or too large. Perhaps you don’t like it because the profile is uneven or bumpy. Maybe you had trauma at some point that resulted in a crooked nose or asymmetric one. Some of these defects may be subtle, but changing them through facial plastic surgery can have dramatic and positive effects to your entire face.


In some cases, a person’s unhappiness with their nose is not cosmetic, but functional. Physical issues related to the internal structure and function of it include:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rhinitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Deviated septum
  • Polyps


Options for surgery include a wide range of choices, from those that are temporary, semi-permanent, or permanent in nature.

  • Injectable or dermal fillers are a noninvasive approach for reshaping minor irregularities
  • Open rhinoplasty involves an incision made at the base of the nose between the nostrils. Scarring is minimal and hidden by the natural creases and borders of the skin.
  • Endonasal surgery is used to fix structural problems. It is a “closed” approach, which means it will not leave external scarring.



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